Sunday, March 29, 2009

Distriction: It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ...

... and the flurry of finger pointing a la British investigative journalism puts a possible smudge on the as-of-yet snow white reputation of the second daughter, Ashley Biden -- but more so on her father, "Can-I-call-you-Joe" Biden

Biden -- Mr. that is -- is an adamant supporter of the anti-drug campaign, specifically -- you guessed it -- the trafficking of cocaine from Columbia
Since becoming a senator for Delaware in 1973, Mr Biden has pushed for harder penalties for cocaine possession and trafficking and last year sponsored a new bill aimed at curbing the smuggling of Colombian cocaine into the US in submarines.
Say it ain't so Joe! even if it is so joe, there's worse things she could do ... her last name could be Dupre

In related news: sports

British print media: 2; Young American public figures: 0
Disabled list: Michael Phelps, Ashley Biden

American print media: we lost count; British public figures: 0
Disabled list: Amy Winehouse, Lily Allen, Kate Moss, Pete Doherty, Russell Brand, etc.

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