Saturday, March 14, 2009

"Anti-Journalism" 101

Journalists need the work, educators need the break, and students need the media literacy training.

Educators have been teaching students how to read and write what is printed for centuries. Now, in a time of unparalleled transition, ex-journalists are re-entering the classroom to teach students how to read what is in between the print -- and in between the blurred lines of news/entertainment. News literacy is increasingly important in social and personal development -- with more time being spent in front of a television or computer screen over textbooks. Where "the media" is replacing teachers, textbooks, and tutors; former media professionals are becoming teachers and tutors, explaining how to decipher through the tech-books of mainstream news/entertainment.

Some say we are drowning in information and starving for knowledge -- I conquer. However, initiatives like this one at Stony Brook set blueprints for a new media that aims to inform -- not inundate.

Watch this space: more to come ...

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